The Mysterious Murrells Inlet “Spaceship House”
Just down the road from the beautiful town of Pawleys Island is the seaside town of Murrells Inlet. Known for great seafood, the MarshWalk, pirates, ghosts, and more, Murrells Inlet is a spot that is revered by locals and vacationers alike.
When visiting Murrells Inlet, many people have spotted quite a curious looking house situated right along the beach next to a condominium complex. Upon first sight, onlookers may think that extraterrestrials may have chosen the Murrells Inlet area as a place to land their spaceship.
The truth is that the house actually does resemble what the general public would believe a flying saucer would look like. The disc-shaped abode features a row of windows similar to that which you would see on a spaceship in a movie. The structure also sits on top of a stilt-like base, sort of like the landing gear that pop-culture depictions of landing UFOs possess.
With the Grand Strand being a huge hotspot for UFO sightings, it wouldn’t be total surprise if this house actually was the vessel for aliens at some point. It has often been reported that the home is unoccupied which makes it even more mysterious. Did beings from another planet land this structure and abandon it upon landing on Earth?
Okay, so maybe the strange looking house isn’t necessarily a UFO. In fact, it is a hurricane proof house that was built sometime around the 1970’s. There isn’t very much else known about the house other than the fact that it is still owned by its original owner who stays in the house and keeps up its appearance and yard, making the reports of it being unoccupied completely false.
Next time you’re visiting Pawleys Island, hop in the car and take a short drive to Murrells Inlet and see the mysterious Spaceship House with your very own eyes. Though we know the true story of the building now, you may find yourself thinking that the home is way “out of this world.”
Photo: www.roadarch.com